Recommendation for $HOME

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at
Mon Jun 18 10:40:09 PDT 2007

On 6/18/07, James Richard Tyrer <tyrerj at> wrote:
> If users are going to use $HOME to store files, then yes they might get
> confused and delete "$HOME/Mail".  The unfortunate part of this is that
> it was moved to a configuration directory: $HOME/.kde and as a result,
> users deleted their mail directories.  So, the question is not to say
> why one or the other is bad, but rather to determine which is better.

Users are going to use $HOME in all ways we can't even imagine. And
some users use $HOME as their desktop too. I woildn't want to see a
ton of {bin,etc,opt,var,usr} folders on my desktop for sure.

> OTOH, if users are going to use $HOME/Documents to store files and are
> told not to screw around with $HOME because it contains a lot of
> configuration stuff and that doing so could break their system, then we
> really shouldn't have to worry about those that still delete stuff in
> $HOME by mistake.

I think this attempt would be as successful as "My Documents" on
Windows is. At least once a week I see a desktop with 20+ Word files
while "My Documents" remains empty.

Patryk Zawadzki
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