DBus server for keyboard layouts

Sanel Zukan sanelz at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 05:59:41 PDT 2007

> Having them dynamically change around is.  I don't mind using qwertz (or 
> rather, I don't mind that much), but I want it to be predictable.

One of the things I really hate (including a lot of people I know) is
property (especially on Windows) when mapping is changed based on
application/parts-of-text needs without visible and loud notice. 

And MS Office is 'expert' in that field; how many of you got .doc with half
text in English and other half in French/German/etc. mapping, where
other side, especially less knowledgeable, non-intentionally changed it
during typing? And what is worse, some people often save those documents as 
templates for future documents :)

> Alternatively, use the existing XSETTINGS mechanism, and get a good part
> of the toolkit support for free.

This sounds (at least for me) much more applicable than using dbus.
Adding few registry entries such as Net/KeyboardMapping and
Net/OldKeyboardMapping (for previous state) could make things work. But... 
how could settings manager cope with cases Lubos noted ?

Maybe is better to let WM handle it; WM already knows when window
is focused and when is not. Sending message (e.g. _NET_WM_KEYBOARD) with
window ID attached will easilly allow per-window switching and will
(hopefully) solve possible races. 
Hm... actually this is the same as Lubos setLayoutForWindow() proposal :)


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