
Luca Cappelletti luca.cappelletti at
Thu Sep 20 01:18:37 PDT 2007


On 9/20/07, Alexander Larsson <alexl at> wrote:
> ...
> I don't see why this approach is better than e.g. klik or glick.

I know that SpatialBundles are not the final solution to every problem.
I'm with you and klik and glick are very interesting alternatives that make
the difference from good software and the rest of the world!
From my point of view klik force you to use cramfs and it's 100% OS centric
requiring you to do a root (write on /etc/fstab) manipulation, and it's not
good for me.
Glick is better than klik but require you to use fuse!!!
May I build a glick based bundle and use it on standard
Slackware,Gentoo,Debian,Mandriva,FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpeBSD, DragonflyBSD, OSX,
Windows XP??
With SpatialBundles I can start to think that I can do it easy with no so
much pain.

Also, most apps are not relocatable, so it will be hard to package them
> like this.
May you point me, please, to an apps not relocable that seems to be hard to
package into a SpatialBundles?
I would like to understand and investigate better because I've successfully
packaged: Opera qt shared, KOffice, Krita, Dolphin, Amarok, QTlibs, KDElibs,
Wine, Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, GAIM, Enlightenment, Nautilus, gFTP,
Jre6, jGNASH, Regina REXX, Xournal, Python, Galculator, Filezilla 3, Zope 3,
and so I cannot understand the real limits until I do not reach them :)
All now just to assure me that it's good for general desktop applications
(my main target).

Thanks for you attention,


Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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