xdgmime (CVS, portability)

Klemens Friedl frik85 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 07:03:37 PDT 2007

http://cvs.freedesktop.org/mime/xdgmime/ ... seems to be down at the
moment (at least not available for me).

Can someone point me to the CVS settings so that I can check-out
(download) that directory to my local system using a CVS client?

Does it depends on anything but c-runtime-lib?
"It has no dependencies and is written in straight C."
-- http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/shared-mime-info-spec

How portable is xdgmime? Has some tried to build xdgmime on Win32
(mingw Win32 or VS 6, 7, 8)?

Best regards,
Klemens Friedl

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