Notifications spec: Icons

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at
Mon Apr 13 05:30:26 PDT 2009

Le Mandag 13 april 2009, Eugene Gorodinsky a écrit :
> While on the topic of notifications...

The topic is on _VISUAL_ notification  (eg. popup)

> I think it would be pretty cool 
> to have "notification class" field as well. Or something like that.
> The idea is to give the user full controll over how notifications are
> handled. For example an IM could notify of new messages or when some
> user in the contact list changes status. If the IM notifies of these,
> the user could then customize the way s/he is notified: e.g. a
> notification bubble may be shown or a sound could be played or
> anything else the user thinks of (shut down the computer when a
> certain download is completed). Has anyone else considered this?

Yes, but this is out of the scope of this specification.
It has been decided that such kind of configuration would be done in the 

In KDE, the whole configuration handling is done by the KNotify daemon. (While 
it is Plasma who display the popups)
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