Notification spec: getting the spec online

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at
Fri Jul 17 02:51:21 PDT 2009

Hi all,

The necessary changes to implement version 0.10 of the notification spec has 
been done and have been integrated or are in the process of being integrated:

- The KDE patches have been integrated in KDE trunk, so will be available for 
the KDE 4.4 release.

- Andrew Walton is working on integrating the libnotify and notification-
daemon changes.

- The notify-osd changes are in the process of being integrated as well.

What is really missing is an update of the spec itself. I have been working on 
the spec on my gitorious repository, and I would like to know how to get this 
work approved and uploaded.  Can anyone review it and if it's ok someone with 
access to the galago server upload it?


PS: Since reviewing docbook patches is not always fun, I uploaded an html 
rendering of the spec at [1].

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