Migrating the specifications to git (xdg-specs repo)

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Tue Feb 16 06:52:20 PST 2010

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 at 15:33:32 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> Right now, I just want to import all specs, each one with
> its cvs history and in its subfolder.

OOI, why not one spec per git repository? This seems to be the case for a
significant number of the specs you mentioned already, and it's somewhat easier
to merge two git repositories into one than to split a git repository
(you can merge branches that have no history in common).

If you wanted to do one later, a multi-repository merge would look something
like this:

* have spec1.git, spec2.git each containing (say) README and specN.xml
* in spec1.git:master, move all source into a spec1/ subdirectory
* rename spec1.git to merged-specs.git
* in spec2.git:master, move all source into a spec2/ subdirectory
* fetch spec2.git:master into merged-specs.git as a temporary 'spec2' branch
* merge the spec2 branch into master and delete the spec2 branch
* repeat for more specifications

I'd personally keep it as one repo per spec, though.

> Also keep in mind that we can always add more stuff later in the git
> repo, except that it will probably be without the vcs history.

It's possible to get extra specs into a single merged repository without losing
their history: convert the new spec to a temporary git repository with full
history, then do similar to the above to get it into the merged repository.


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