FMPS v1.0 RC1

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Sun Jun 6 12:14:56 PDT 2010

On 06/06/2010 03:08 PM, Сергей Бессонов wrote:
> There is a section 2.1 in this RFC, which describes how to store data in
> mp3, ogg and other files. If music is organized as, for example, a
> single mp3 file and a cue file, player have to store metadata in a cue
> file, but not in mp3 file, because mp3 contains several songs of the
> album. So the specification must be added to handle metadata in cue
> files.

OK, I see what you're saying. But as I have no experience with them,
please propose a workable solution.

> According to CUE sheet syntax
> (,
> this can be realised using REM command.

I don't see, from looking at that page, what the REM command has to do
with anything. That's information in a cue file, not in file metadata.

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