Adding Pantheon to the Desktop Enviroments

Vincent Untz vuntz at
Tue Jan 31 00:08:46 PST 2012

Hi Fabian,

Le dimanche 29 janvier 2012, à 21:12 +0100, Fabian Thoma a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Fabian from the elementary Team, and we are currently building our
> own Desktop Environment based on GNOME Technology, we'd like to be
> added to the list of "Registered OnlyShowIn Environments"[1] and the
> Desktops List [2], so we can efficently launch or session and don't
> have to do a lot of Workarounds.
> If there are any other Lists or Pages we should be Listed on I'd
> really appreciate to hear from them.
> Thanks everyone and have a good day ;)
> 1 -
> 2 -

The wiki page is just a wiki page, I guess you should feel free to edit

As for the OnlyShowIn registration: I have a hard time finding any
information about Pantheon. Do you need the OnlyShowIn value added ASAP,
or would it be okay to wait for at least one release to be out before
adding it?

Note that you can use X-Pantheon in the meantime -- no need for any
registration for this.



Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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