RFC - MATE integration and xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update

Nelson Marques nmo.marques at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 13:23:58 PDT 2012

Hi all,

While integrating MATE with openSUSE I run across an issue that
mate-panel 'Places' wasn't being properly updated; after some digging
I found out that this was due to
/etc/xdg/autostart/user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop, which currently has
the following contents in 'OnlyShownIn':


If this line is changed to :


Then everything works properly as expected. On a short talk with some
people @FreeNode many of us agree that this method is a pain and it's
at least nightmarish and troublesome; My (and others) suggestion would
be that the autostart of user-dirs-update-gtk would be implemented on
the Desktop Environments and this could be dropped upstream (XDG) or
improved, like:

 * user-dirs-update-gnome
 * user-dirs-update-mate
 * user-dirs-update-<ENVIRONMENT>

Please feel free to debate and provide maybe alternatives or a path of
action towards a cleaner resolution. I'm all ears and willing to
update MATE and submit for approval all maintenance requests on
openSUSE side. Currently I've added a vendor patch to deal with this.


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