User dir in /run is set in env var?

Lennart Poettering mzkqt at
Mon Apr 15 04:43:48 PDT 2013

On Mon, 15.04.13 10:29, Stef Bon (stefbon at wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a sollutution which creates network access, fuse-workspace.
> It's ssimular to gnome vfs, and also based upon a fuse filesystem.
> Supported is access to smb, and browsing the shares is possible through
> libsmbclient or cifs. In the latest case fuse-workspace mounts the
> remote shares using cifs on top of a browse tree.
> Now right now it mounts the network at a directory set in a
> configuration file, and it's a template:
> $HOME/Network
> I want to add the posibility to make it mount at
> /run/user/%UIDNR% (with systemd systems)
> /run/user/%USERNAME% (with upstart systems).
> Is there an environment var or any other easy method to determine this
> personal run directory??

Yes, $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is documented in the XDG basedir spec:


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

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