XDG menu display based on group or user

Thomas Kluyver thomas at kluyver.me.uk
Mon Mar 25 04:24:49 PDT 2013

On 25 March 2013 10:54, jupiter <jupiter.hce at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, the only problem I can think of is that we
> cannot use environmental variables such as $HOME or $XDG_DATA_HOME or
> $XDG_CONFIG_HOME in the Desktop Entry. How can I specify Exec or Path
> for each user? Is the hard coded path the only way to specify such as
> /home/user1/.... /home/user2 .....?

If there's a folder of applications, like /home/user1/bin/ , you could add
it to $PATH, then just specify the executable name in the desktop entry.

You could also try using ~ for the user's home directory, but I don't know
off the top of my head if desktop implementations expand that.

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