Freedesktop Application Icon / magic database (Debian)
Felix Natter
fnatter at
Thu May 2 13:03:30 PDT 2013
Thomas Kluyver <thomas at> writes:
hi Thomas,
> On 1 May 2013 18:22, Felix Natter <fnatter at> wrote:
> and put freeplane.png here:
> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/mimetypes/freeplane.png
> (I also tried to put the svg in hicolor/scalable/mimetypes/)
> => probably a (local?) problem with my nautilus? It seems to work in
> konqueror (and on another computer with the same config it even works
> with nautlius :-/)
> This might be obvious, but did you have the icons displayed at 32x32 when you tried? It might only
> resize larger images to smaller views. The default view on my system
> seems to be 48x48.
I don't know why (I had tried that before...), but now it does work with:
<icon name="freeplane"/>
instead of:
<icon name="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freeplane.svg" />
The only problem with this (and probably the reason why the previous
packager used the full path to freeplane.svg) is that konqueror displays
a (small) bitmap instead of the svg which is pixelated.
So I tried:
<icon name="freeplane.svg"/>
but then GNOME does not display any icon once again :-/
> The icon theme spec suggests that 'icon name' doesn't include the path or the extension, though I see it
> also says "minimally you should install a 48x48 icon..."
That is useful, I'll have a look at that :-)
Thanks for your help and Best Regards,
Felix Natter
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