Getting the right xdg-menu category name given a xdg-desktop file?

José Félix Ontañon fontanon at
Mon May 12 09:26:26 PDT 2014


I'm trying to build an app that automatizes the excluding of some launchers
from menu, by tweaking ~/.config/xdg/menus I've noticed the Categories in
the xdg-desktop aren't the same as the menu names in xdg-menu.

So, the question is given a .desktop file, how to know the name of it's
corresponding menu?


The firefox desktop file has as categories:

But the the menu names that needs to be indicated to exclude firefox from
the menu is Applications->Internet. Below the code produced by Alacarte:


I don't understand how Alacarte got that Applications->Internet path given
the firefox.desktop file.


J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
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