
David Faure faure at kde.org
Sat Feb 27 19:13:59 UTC 2016

On Monday 22 February 2016 18:10:16 Giles Atkinson wrote:
> Genghis,
> I have been thinking about this some more, and I think the extension of Type=Link is
> probably not needed.  I can not see how it can do anything that can not be done
> with Type=Exec and a small shell script.   That will also be more portable, as the
> behaviour of destkop files varies among desktop environments.
> As far as I can tell, Type=Link is itself redundant.  I can see no difference in behaviour
> between these two desktop files:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Type=Link
> Name=Link to BBC
> URL=http://www.bbc.co.uk
> Icon=BBC
> [Desktop Entry]
> Version=1.0
> Type=Exec
> Name=Link to BBC
> Exec=xdg-open http://www.bbc.co.uk
> Icon=BBC

There are a few differences, depending on context. E.g. in konqueror clicking on the Type=Link
desktop file will open that URL in that same window, rather than launching a separate executable.

Similarly, Type=Link with URL=file:///tmp will allow a file manager to just navigate to that directory
rather than launching something else -- therefore it's a way to have symlinks that support translations.

> My guess is that Type=Link was defined before the xdg-utils programs.

That is correct, but not a sufficient argument for obsolescence.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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