Taking over xdg-utils

Piotr Karbowski piotr.karbowski at protonmail.ch
Sun Aug 30 13:50:03 UTC 2020


On 30/08/2020 15.18, Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> This approach is entirely broken, and I'd recommend you not do this if you want 
> to take over the maintenance of a freedesktop component.

I think you're being a bit too harsh here, but I get your point.
xdg-utils is supposed to be  with freedesktop specification and because
of that use shared-mime-info-spec, point taken, will look into using it
instead of libmagic.

Let's see how it goes, even if any of the new code will not be
freedesktop compliant, this can be then changed.

-- Piotr.

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