A standard for global/desktop environment shortcuts to prevent conflicts with Linux apps

Nate Graham nate at kde.org
Thu May 7 00:21:50 UTC 2020

On 5/6/20 6:05 PM, Noah Davis wrote:
> Start key == Windows key. Maybe I didn't use the right name, but I've
> always called it the Start key since it opens the start menu. It's
> called Meta in Qt and Super in GTK.

...And if you're using a Mac keyboard, the command key (the one with the 
cloverleaf symbol on it) maps to Meta/Super/Win/Start/whatever we're 
calling it. :)

+1 for the original proposal. Since GNOME is already doing this, perhaps 
we could make a formal XDG spec recommending it. Seems pretty logical to me.


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