[basedir-spec] XDG_DATA_HOME and reboot-preserved read-write state?

Sebastian Pipping sebastian at pipping.org
Sun Feb 7 03:12:31 UTC 2021


I am writing to you because I cannot find an answer about something in
basedir-spec (latest, 0.7 [1]) that seems well within its scope,
yet under-specified and controversial.  If you can help me with the
answer, I may be able to help you with the next version of the spec.

I think it's fair to understand the XDG basedir-spec as the user-
specific equivalent of some core FHS [2] locations, _roughly_:

  FHS         XDG variable     XDG default
  /var/cache  XDG_CACHE_HOME   $HOME/.cache
  /etc        XDG_CONFIG_HOME  $HOME/.config
  /usr/share  XDG_DATA_HOME    $HOME/.local/share
  /var/lock   XDG_RUNTIME_DIR  /run/user/$USER/ ?
  /var/run    XDG_RUNTIME_DIR  /run/user/$USER/ ?

Now there are some key locations of FHS that are _not_ in that list,
for instance:

  FHS location  Rough rules about content
  /var/lib      State information; persistent across reboots
  /var/log      Various logs
  /var/spool    Queue of tasks waiting to be processed
  /var/tmp      Temporary files to be preserved between reboots

_Maybe_ it's okay that these are not in XDG, _maybe_ that's a feature,
but the spec doesn't seem to say.

More specifically, the spec does not seem to say whether XDG_DATA_HOME
($HOME/.local/share) should

  (A) have the same read-only/write-once semantic that we know from
      /usr/share and /usr/local/share


  (B) be the home to all sorts of long-lived read-write state data
      (like you would expect from /var/lib for when things are less

The common use of the word "share" in $HOME/.local/share and /usr/share
seems to support (A) but then where does all the long-lived _read-write_
state data go?  (The spec is clear that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not the
answer here (..).)

If (B) then why are apps expected to look for files in XDG_DATA_HOME and
all of XDG_DATA_DIRS if the defaults for XDG_DATA_DIRS are not writable
to unprivileged users?

I'm not the first [3] to wonder about this, yet I only see ideas,
guessing and discussions, no bulletproof answers.  That's the job of a
spec, right?

So I am hoping for a version 0.8 of the spec that says

 - where read-write state files that should survive reboots should go,

 - how much of a catch-all pot XDG_DATA_HOME should be or not be,

 - if ~/.local/var/lib/ is something that XDG is concerned about
   and has different ideas for.

That would be awesome for future discussions and decision making in free
software projects.  Many thanks in advance!



[2] https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/fhs.shtml
[3] https://wiki.debian.org/XDGBaseDirectorySpecification#state

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