bardot.jerome at
Mon Nov 22 07:28:27 UTC 2021
Yes it is (helpfull). I already know some stuff i just need to make
stuff i need works. :)
I first come here for some data approch too.
Do you think about more data like ebooks that can be great to have ?
where each application basically just has its own sandboxed home folder => most stupid thing in the world
We need an appropriate data security policies tool with an real identity
And i currently try to working on a such tool. If people here have ideas
feel free to share.
On 20/11/2021 20:15, Elsie Hupp wrote:
> Hi Jérôme,
> The Arch Wiki has a pretty good guide to the `xdg-user-dirs` package installed on most Linux distributions:
> I’ve dug around in the boilerplate code for *looking up* `xdg-user-dirs`, and it basically queries `XDG_FOOBAR_DIR` for `FOOBAR`, so you *should* basically be able to define any custom folder you want. You can check out my pending pull request on `pyxdg` for a version of the code that’s somewhat easier to read than the original C:
> The actual Python file:
> Note that this is a simplified line-by-line translation of `xdg-user-dir-lookup`:
> However, a big part of the functionality behind `xdg-user-dirs` is (a) the basic list is standardized across most Linux distros, and (b) the actual name of the directory is localized into a large number of natural languages.
> The main reason actually that I joined this mailing list was to ask about directories for difficult-to-categorize use cases, like ebooks or podcasts (or code repositories or, yes, games).
> So, hypothetically, yes, you could define your own `xdg-user-dirs`. However, `xdg-user-dirs` is a tool rather than standard, and even if you got a pull request approved for some additional directory, it would probably take years to percolate out through the install base and never actually reach 100% of users. Oh, and you’d also need to get it adopted by both GLib and Qt. (Qt would probably be easier, considering Windows does IIRC have a `My Games` directory, so there’s already a cross-platform precedent.)
> This is to say that if you define your own custom directories in `xdg-user-dirs` in application code, you should always define a fallback. And in some respects `xdg-user-dirs` is kind of falling out of fashion with the rise in Flatpak and Snap for end-user applications, where each application basically just has its own sandboxed home folder, rather than using a shared per-content-type directory, even though Flatpak portals do increasingly support arbitrary locations in userspace.
> Anyway, I hope this is helpful!
> Best,
> Elsie Hupp
>> On Nov 19, 2021, at 3:51 PM, Jérôme Bardot <bardot.jerome at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> There is a way to to add this own stuff in XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs ? I want a XDG_GAMES_DIR=
>> Also can i access to XDG var from a shell ?
>> thx
>> More specifically someone can mentor me to push stuff if needed ?
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