Proposal: titlebar widgeting specification

samuel ammonius sfammonius at
Tue Aug 16 21:30:37 UTC 2022

On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 2:41 AM Mathew Gordon <mgord9518 at> wrote:

> I really like it, this could also give the ability to have an advanced
> title bar in eg: game programming where it's likely that you aren't
> using a widget kit at all. Maybe if anyone is maintaining a WM they
> could implement something like this into the testing branch?

Can you explain what you mean by advanced? The API I've planned
out so far includes the following widgets:

   1. TbSpacer
   2. TbSeparator
   3. TbLabel
   4. TbIcon
   5. TbButton
   6. TbIconButton
   7. TbCheckBox
   8. TbTextInput
   9. TbSlider
   10. TbComboBox
   11. TbListView
   12. TbMenu

(Sorry for the late reply. I rushed through your message without really
getting it, and I thought you were just saying you liked the idea)
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