New maintainer for XDG specs

Matthias Klumpp matthias at
Thu Mar 28 04:20:02 UTC 2024

Hello everyone!

Thank you Daniel for the introduction! :-)
Many of you probably already know me, I've been involved with
Freedesktop for more than a decade, working on PackageKit, maintaining
AppStream and doing a whole bunch of work in related places. If you
are in the Debian world, you might have seen me there as well, working
on Debian itself as well as derivatives of it. You might have also met
me in person at Akademy, GUADEC or FOSDEM!

I am very excited to move things forward and to continue to make
Freedesktop a place where we can collaborate on a strong foundation
for the free desktop, and where people can find documentation on how
to create applications that target most desktop environments or how to
base new DEs on our existing infrastructure.

For the specification repositories and code, do not expect any quick
changes. I do not want to interrupt anyone's work and will observe
what is going on first, to get a clearer picture of who is doing what
kind of work at the moment.
I do hope to move some discussions forward and at least give feedback
on pending MRs though.

For making changes to the specifications, I will also not merge things
that have not reached consensus yet or have no implementation. For
that, I have already reached out informally to KDE and GNOME to get
more eyes on XDG and maybe even dedicated people to connect
Freedesktop discussions to the right engineers within their projects
to comment on. But I think I can do that more formally now.
I also want to reach out to other desktops to get them more involved
with Freedesktop and to give them a voice as well.
I am involved with both KDE and GNOME, so I can't play favours ;-)

In addition to that, I also want to find many of the quasi-standards
that have developed over time and bring them into the specifications
properly (one example would be the naming conventions for symbolic
icons). Those will be easy to review and merge, so if you know any of
them please create a MR!

Any and all help and feedback is highly appreciated! If there is
anything you always wanted to do, or if there's anything I should have
a look at, do not hesitate to contact me. Especially do not hesitate
to contact me if you think anything is not going well, or if you think
I made a mistake/ignored you - issues should be dealt with
immediately, and not be hidden.

Let's see what we can create together!


I welcome VSRE emails. See

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