[Xesam] Link-by-id documentation and ontology patching

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 15:40:58 PST 2008

2008/12/18 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com>

> 2008/12/18 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com>
>> 2008/12/18 Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com>
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have started to write up some proper documentation for link-by-id as
>>> discussed on the hackfest (it will land in
>>> http://xesam.org/main/XesamOntologyAbout when ready). To this end I came
>>> upon some stuff that needed updating in the onto. Please see the attached
>>> patch.
>>> What the proposed patch does:
>>>  * Document xesam:id and xesam:related as mandatedd by link-by-id
>>>  * Make xesam:contactMedium a child of xesam:id. This has pretty big
>>> consequences - like postal addresses, email addresses and what not to
>>> suddenly become ids. Nonetheless I think it is the right choice
>>>  * Make xesam:url a child of xesam:id
>>> Comments?
>> I have a comment for myself already :-)
>> While it might appear neat to have xesam:postalAddress as ids it also
>> poses some problems. Namely that I also write in the patch that ids should
>> generally be prefixed with an URI scheme (like http://, file:// or
>> isbn:// etc). I would rather not have to write my postal address in an URI
>> :-)
>> Obviously this needs a bit of thought...
> And I also forgot the attachment. Great! Here it is...

Here's an updated patch for the ontology. It does not declare postal
addresses as ids anymore, but it is a bit more invasive... Here's the quick

 * Make emailAddress, phoneNumber, url, and contactURL children of xesam:id

 * Add URI scheme requirements to all children of xesam:id. This is required
to ensure global uniqueness. I just follow the IANA rules here really...

 * Document xesam:id and xesam:related as mandatedd by link-by-id

And oh! While I have your attention could you also take a peek at the "Ids
and Object Relations"-section I added to:
http://xesam.org/main/XesamOntologyAbout, or if you want to see it in the
context of the whole onto: http://xesam.org/main/XesamOntology (takes longer
to load)

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