[Xesam] Houston come in... Xesam 1 here

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 10:18:33 PST 2009

Hi all. It is about time to break radio silence on this channel I think.
This mail serves two purposes - to give a small status update on the current
state of Xesam affairs and also to figure out how to push us past the
unacceptably late Xesam 1.0.

Evgeny has been a busy little bee as you might have noticed if you follow
Philip van Hoofs blog. He has been doing a lot of work in understanding the
differences between the Xesam and Nepomuk ontologies as well as working on
some of the problems we will see if we move to the Nepomuk ontology in Xesam
2.0. Links:

* Comparative review of Xesam and Nepomuk ontologies
http://xesam.org/main/Hackfest2008/NepomukReview (notably the attachment)
* A proposal for a Nepomuk MultimediaMedia ontology
* Some critique of the Nepomuk Message Ontology

Philip van Hoof has been quite active in a lot of areas bordering up to
Xesam land as well. They are not strictly in Xesam-realm yet, but definitely
worth looking at in the future:

 * Standardizing a DBus API for Email metadata harvesting:
 * Metadata caches on removal devices:

Xesam 1.0
Xesam 1.0 has suffered unneeded delay which is a shame, but I've been busy
elsewhere with real life[1]. The status of the draft is that it is more or
less ready for just pushing the button and calling it 1.0. The single
remaining issue is what do to with link-by-id.

To be honest I am inclined I am more or less ready to just cut a line in the
sand and go with the simplest consistent solution for link-by-id (what ever
that is). We really need to get 1.0 out the door so we can focus on 2.0.

I'll be away to the code4lib conference over the next week (but I plan to
check my mail) and it is my hope that we can bundle up Xesam 1.0 when I get
home. That should be in the very beginning of March.


[1]: Cofounding Refind SMBA[2] a company specialized in vertical search
using the Summa search engine[3]
[2]: http://refind.dk (sorry Danish only for now)
[3]: http://wiki.statsbiblioteket.dk/summa [4]
[4]: Ok enough for nested footnotes and self-promotion :-)
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