[Xesam] oscaf/xesam ontology merge: who is going to maintain/edit what?

Evgeny Egorochkin phreedom.stdin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 23:48:11 PDT 2009

On 9 июня 2009 04:52:06 Antoni Mylka wrote:
> Hello Xesamies (Xesams, Xesamians, is there an accepted form? ),

Xesamies sounds good :)

> I volunteer for:
>  - moving the current ontology source files to whatever repository is
>    chosen, both the trunk and the 8 'revisions' already 'released'
>  - dropping the legacy constraint that the ontologies must be editable
>    in Protege, which didn't work anyway, and make the protege->NRL
>    conversion step unnecessary
>  - moving the doc generator to whatever repository is chosen
>  - setting up the "build" so that with a single call to 'ant' the
>    documentation will be regenerated and all example files will be
>    validated against the current version of the ontology
>  - spearheading the effort to get some export of the trac history from
>    the nepomuk trac and importing it to whatever issue tracker is chosen
>    (I personally favour trac, dunno how difficult it would be to
>    import trac issues to bugzilla - all kinds of comments welcome).
>  - maintaining the 'build' code infrastructure
>  - helping all other ontology maintainers as far as I can
>  - maintaining all the ontology parts for which no separate maintainer
>    steps up. I've been reading through the thread and it seems there
>    were two people willing to take on the maintenance duties.
>    NRL -
>    NAO -
>    NIE -
>    NFO - Ivan Frade
>    NMO - Roberto Guido
>    NCO -
>    NCAL -
>    NEXIF -
>    NID3 -
> Dunno if the original authors of NRL (as stated at [7]) will want to get
> involved with it now. It seems that the number of volunteers is far from
> astonishing ATM :)

I can afford to be a backup maintainer for all this. As long as people are 
willing to write code, I'll find the time to tell them what to do^H^H^H^H^H 
maintain ontologies :)

This can work for awhile. More visibility and synergetic effects will fix this 
over time.

-- Evgeny

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