[Xevie] My interest in nested event redirection

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Wed Oct 20 07:11:19 PDT 2004

Hi there,

I've been subscribed to this xevie list since something like the
beginning, but I hadn't caught up on reading the messages until today.

My interest in the topic comes from my work on xstroke[*] which is a
simple gesture recognition program. Xstroke takes a sequence of pointer
motion events, interprets them, and then inserts button or key events
events into the stream.

I'm not intimately familiar with all of the details of the current
discussion here, so I don't have a lot to add. I did want to point out
this kind of application scenario as something that the work on XEVIE
should keep in mind.

It sounds to me that Keith has my needs covered with his suggestion to
support nested event redirection.

Keep up the good work guys,


[*] http://xstroke.org

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