[xliff-tools] Updated PO Representation Guide available

Asgeir Frimannsson asgeirf at redhat.com
Thu May 19 06:18:46 PDT 2005

Hi folks,

I have now updated the PO Representation Guide after the recent discussions on 
the mailing-list:


This document is a re-write of the previous drafts, and the main changes are 
as follows:
 - Now use OASIS style formatting 
 - Added section describing the PO file format
 - Added section on handling Docbook-derived PO files (suggestion from Rodolfo 
 - Updated section on handling source/target language
 - Added section discussing TU IDs (suggestion from Yves Savourel)
 - Added section discussing handling of Escape Sequences (suggestion from Yves 
Savourel) *
 - Added section discussing extraction from POT files
 - Changed <context-group> 'name' attribute to 'po-entry' for extracted 
comments and translator comments *
 - Changed <context-group> 'name' attribute to 'po-reference' for PO 
references *
 - Added section on handling 'no-wrap' flag (thanks to Karl Eichwalder for 
pointing this out)
 - Updated section on handling 'x-format' flags
 - Added references

* Correct handling of escape sequences and context-groups have been discussed 
up and down on the mailing-list, and needs recommendations from the XLIFF TC. 
What I've added is *my* view on this, and it might not be what's in the final 
document (meaning: don't get upset if you don't agree - let's wait and hear 
what the XLIFF TC says)

I hope to complete this fd.org sub-project as soon as possible - handing this 
research over to the XLIFF Technical Committee, hopefully first week of June 

Again, thanks to you all for your contributions. Very much appreciated!


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