Proposal for Version 0.4 of Xfixes Extension

Deron Johnson Deron.Johnson at Sun.COM
Thu Jan 19 14:36:08 PST 2006

Here is a proposal for Version 0.4 of the Xfixes extension. It includes
both the grab event and the show/hide cursor request that Keith and I
have been discussing. Please let us know what you think.

Author:            Deron Johnson
Document Version:  0.1 (DRAFT)
Date:		   Thu Jan 19 14:19:38 PST 2006
Subject:	   Proposal for Version 0.4 of Xfixes Extension

Add: Grab State Change Notification

When a grab triggers, a GrabStateChange event with trigger==True will
be sent to clients interested in GrabStateChange events for the grab
window. If the grab that triggered was passive the type field will be
set to GrabTypePassive, otherwise it will be set to GrabTypeActive. If
the grab that triggered was specified by some client, the detail field
will be set to GrabDetailClient, otherwise it will be set to

When a grab terminates, a GrabStateChange event with trigger==False
will be sent to clients interested in GrabStateChange events for the
grab window. The type field will be set to GrabTypeNone and the and
the detail field will be set to GrabDetailNone.


	GRABTYPE		{ GrabTypeNone, GrabTypePassive
				  GrabTypeActive }
        GRABDETAIL              { GrabDetailNone, GrabDetailClient,
				  GrabDetailDefault }



	window:			Window
        trigger:                BOOL
        type:                   GRABTYPE
	detail:			GRABDETAIL



	window:			Window

	This request tells the X server that the client is interested in
        receiving GrabStateChange events for the specified window.

Add: Cursor Visibility Modification



	This request tells the X server that the cursor image of the
        X cursor should not be displayed.

        Note that while the cursor is not displayed, CursorNotify events
	are sent as usual.


	This request tells the X server that the cursor image of the
        X cursor should be displayed.

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