[Bug 1736] xcompmgr grey's the background on every wm I use

bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org
Wed Dec 29 14:47:03 PST 2004

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------- Additional Comments From bjdouma at xs4all.nl  2004-12-29 14:47 -------
(In reply to comment #0)
> loading xcompmgr cause the background image to be replaced by solid grey. None 
> of the *setbg(fbsetbg, xsetbg, etc) utilites will change the bg from this 
> grey. I have this problem with the following wm's: , blackbox, openbox, aewm, 
> aewm++, evilwm, fvwm, xfce, enlightenment. Also in enlightenment, moving a 
> window once xcompmgr is loaded cause it to leave ghost iamges of that window 
> around the screen, and they don't go away until after xcompmgr is killed.

Same thing happens under vtwm, when a root window image is set with
using xv.  Root window becomes smooth solid grey50 when xcompmgr (v1.1.1)
is started.  Talking about Xorg-6.8.1 cvs Dec 24 10:38 MET.
Does not happen when root window is set using redhat's xsri tool.
Hardware: nvidia geforce4, drivers 6111, 6629.  This is with RendelAccel disabled.

With RenderAccel enabled, root window basically becomes some messy random

Here's an overview of some tests I did:

General notes that apply to all tests
- nvidia_drv is version 6629
- xsri and xv: tiling the root background starts at (0,0), not at the center of
- display: virtual 2000x1600
- in subsection Extensions: both Composite and RENDER enabled (xcompmgr needs
them both enabled)
- in subsection Display:
  Modes		"1024x768" "1280x1024"
  ViewPort	0 0
  Virtual	2000 1600
- (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "1024x768"
- xcompmgr -f -D 8 -I 0.025 -O 0.025 -l -5 -t -5 -c -r 8
- messed up means: some random pixel-mix like pattern
- in Tests I and II, vtwm always unresponsive after killing xterms/windows; this
  affects keyboard; keyboard seems to be in messed up state such that for instance
  keypad left/right arrows now perform ctrl-left/right action in editor joe;
  a window by clicking on the titlebar button always keeps working though...;
  de-iconifying does not work anymore though.  After switching to VT and back to
  the keyboard and mouse are sane again, and e.g. vtwm menu popups also work again;
  everything ok except of course messy background.  Background is always restored to
  good original state after exiting xcompmgr.

Tests I:
- RenderAccel + nvidia_drv in otherwise standard xorg.conf

	2 1
	0 6
	0 0	root bg after		vtwm menu popup
	0 0 8 8	xcompmgr startup	effect on root bg
		----------------	--------------------------------
8x8	0 0 0 0	messed up		sets former popup region to correct bg pattern
8x10	0 0 0 1	messed up		sets former popup region to correct bg pattern
10x8	0 0 1 0	messed up		sets former popup region to correct bg pattern
16x16	0 0 0 0	messed up		sets former popup region to correct bg pattern
63x63	1 1 1 1	messed up		messed up
64x64	1 0 0 0	messed up		messed up
100x100	0 0 1 1	messed up		messed up
102x100	1 0 1 1	messed up		messed up
297x233 1 1 1 1	messed up		messed up

	2 1
	0 6
	0 0	root bg after		vtwm menu popup
	0 0 8 8	xcompmgr startup	effect on root bg
		----------------	--------------------------------------------
8x8	0 0 0 0	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
8x10	0 0 0 1	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
10x8	0 0 1 0	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
16x16	0 0 0 0	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
63x63	1 1 1 1	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
64x64	1 0 0 0	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
100x100	0 0 1 1	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
102x100	1 0 1 1	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
297x233	1 1 1 1	messed up		sets former popup region to smooth grey50 bg
- exit of xcompmgr: xv background pattern reset correctly

Tests II:
- RenderAccel disabled + nvidia_drv in otherwise standard xorg.conf (horribly slow)

	2 1
	0 6
	0 0	root bg after		vtwm menu popup
	0 0 8 8	xcompmgr startup	effect on root bg
		----------------	--------------------------------
8x8	0 0 0 0	
8x10	0 0 0 1	
10x8	0 0 1 0	
16x16	0 0 0 0	
63x63	1 1 1 1	correct 63x63 pattern	leaves it intact
64x64	1 0 0 0	
100x100	0 0 1 1	
102x100	1 0 1 1	
297x233 1 1 1 1	

	2 1
	0 6
	0 0	root bg after		vtwm menu popup
	0 0 8 8	xcompmgr startup	effect on root bg
		----------------	--------------------------------
8x8	0 0 0 0	
8x10	0 0 0 1	
10x8	0 0 1 0	
16x16	0 0 0 0	
63x63	1 1 1 1	smooth grey50 (not ok)	leaves it intact (smooth grey50)
64x64	1 0 0 0	
100x100	0 0 1 1	
102x100	1 0 1 1	
297x233 1 1 1 1	
- after exiting xcompmgr, root bg is restored from grey50 to the pattern

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