[xorg-commit-diffs] xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/getconfig xorg.cfg, NONE, xfree86.cfg,, NONE

Roland Mainz xorg-commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Sat Apr 10 03:08:46 PDT 2004

Committed by: gisburn

Update of /cvs/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/getconfig
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv15087/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/getconfig

Added Files:
      Tag: XPRINT
Removed Files:
      Tag: XPRINT
Log Message:
Resync to 2004-04-10 XORG-RELEASE-1 branch (step 2: Adding missing files and removing obsolete ones)

--- NEW FILE: xorg.cfg ---
# $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/getconfig/xorg.cfg,v 2004/04/10 10:08:42 gisburn Exp $

# Base Xorg getconfig rules file.

# The line below is the getconfig rules file signature, and must be the
# first non-blank, non-comment line.

Xorg Project getconfig rules file.  Version: 1.0

# Set the weight for the following rules.  This should be set, otherwise
# the previously set weight will get used, and you have no idea of knowing
# what that might be.

$weight = 1000

# Rules.  Rules consist of a condition (in perl code) followed by
# a driver name and optionally some additional strings.  The start of a
# rule is indicated by a line with no leading white space.  subsequent
# lines making up a rule must be indented.  Logical lines may be split
# over multiple physical lines by using the usual continuation '\'.
# Rules that are not followed by a driver name may be used to do other
# things, like setting the weight as above.

# Pre-defined variables include:
#   $vendor		PCI vendor ID
#   $device		PCI device ID
#   $revision		PCI revision ID
#   $subsys		PCI subsystem ID
#   $subsysVendor	PCI subsystem vendor ID
#   $class		PCI class
#   $XorgVersion	Xorg version, as a 'v' string.
# The Xorg version information is also available as the following:
#   $XorgVersionNumeric
#   $XorgVersionMajor
#   $XorgVersionMinor
#   $XorgVersionPatch
#   $XorgVersionSnap

--- xfree86.cfg DELETED ---

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