[xorg-commit-diffs] xc/packager/solaris/GISWxprint Imakefile, NONE, README, NONE, depend, NONE, pkginfo, NONE, postinstall, NONE, preinstall, NONE,

Roland Mainz xorg-commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Mon Apr 12 20:16:36 PDT 2004

Committed by: gisburn

Update of /cvs/xorg/xc/packager/solaris/GISWxprint
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv9732/xc/packager/solaris/GISWxprint

Added Files:
      Tag: XPRINT
	Imakefile README depend pkginfo postinstall preinstall 
Log Message:
Fix for http://xprint.freedesktop.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=462 - RFE: Merge xprint.mozdev.org Xprint enhancements into Xorg XPRINT branch

--- NEW FILE: Imakefile ---
XCOMM $Xorg: Imakefile,v 1.1 2003/01/20 19:54:53 gisburn Exp $

#if BuildGISWxprint
	/bin/ksh -e ../GISWxprintglue/make_solaris_pkg.sh "GISWxprint"
	$(RM) GISWxprint.tar.gz pkgproto.tmp
#endif /* BuildGISWxprint */

README for GISWxprint (=Xprint server for Solaris) package

This package contains the Xprint server side (e.g. server, startup and
configuration files) which are required to use Xprint-based applications
(like Mozilla, Phoenix, Eclipse, Motif2, Qt etc.)

For futher information please consult the Xprint FAQ (available under
/opt/GISWxprint/docs/Xprint_FAQ.txt after installation - or see
http://xprint.mozdev.org/ for the newest version) and/or

Installation requirements:
The following Solaris patches are REQUIRED to gurantee correct behaviour of
this package:
* Solaris 2.7/SPARC:
  106541-27   SunOS 5.7: Kernel Update Patch
  107443-17   SunOS 5.7: packaging utilities patch
  107650-08   OpenWindows 3.6.1 X11R6.4 Xprint Extension Patch
  107654-10   OpenWindows 3.6.1: X11R6.4 LBX & XRX Extensions Patch
  107656-11   OpenWindows 3.6.1 libXt Patch
  108376-44   OpenWindows 3.6.1: Xsun Patch
  115228-01   CDE 1.3: dtksh patch
* Solaris 2.7/x86:
  106542-27  SunOS 5.7_x86: Kernel Update Patch
  107444-17  SunOS 5.7_x86: packaging utilities patch
  107651-08  OpenWindows 3.6.1_x86: X11R6.4 Xprint Extension Patch
  107655-10  OpenWindows 3.6.1_x86: X11R6.4 LBX & XRX Extensions Patch
  107657-09  OpenWindows 3.6.1_x86: ERC X11R6.4 Extension Patch
  108377-39  OpenWindows 3.6.1_x86: Xsun Patch

* Solaris 2.8/SPARC:
  108652-74   X11 6.4.1: Xsun patch
  108897-01   X11 6.4.1 Xprint patch
  110934-14   SunOS 5.8: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk, pkgmk and libpkg.a patch
  114956-02   CDE 1.4: dtksh patch
* Solaris 2.8/x86:
  108653-63   X11 6.4.1_x86: Xsun patch
  110934-14   SunOS 5.8: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk, pkgmk and libpkg.a patch

* Solaris 2.9/SPARC:
  112785-26   X11 6.6.1: Xsun patch
  113713-03   SunOS 5.9: pkginstall Patch
* Solaris 2.9/x86:
  112786-15   X11 6.6.1_x86: Xsun patch
  114568-02   SunOS 5.9_x86: usr/sadm/install/bin/pkginstall Patch

1. Install the package:
  % /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d GISWxprint.pkg

2. Start Xprint server side:
  a) reboot
  b) start the Xprint servers manually using
     % /etc/init.d/xprint start
     % sleep 30
     and restart your user CDE sessions (e.g. re-login.)

3. Verification:
  After (re-)login into CDE the env variable ${XPSERVERLIST} should be
  set and
  % /opt/GISWxprint/bin/xplsprinters
  should list all available printer queues.

1. Stop Xprint servers:
  % /etc/init.d/xprint stop

2. Remove the package
  % /usr/sbin/pkgrm GISWxprint

Known bugs/issues:
- Not all paper sizes defined in the "PSdefault" printer models may be
  available since the Xprint drivers(including the PostScript DDX) within
  Xprt will validate those lists against a buildin list and this list may
  not have been updated yet in Solaris's version of Xprt.

Reporting bugs:
Please send bug reports/comments/questions to 
mailto:roland.mainz at nrubsig.org or
mailto:xprint at mozdev.org

--- NEW FILE: depend ---
# Copyright 2003-2004 Roland Mainz <roland.mainz at nrubsig.org>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#	$Id: depend,v 1.3 2004/02/13 04:43:47 gisburn Exp $
# This package information file defines software dependencies associated
# with the pkg.  You can define three types of pkg dependencies with this file:
#	 P indicates a prerequisite for installation
#	 I indicates an incompatible package
#	 R indicates a reverse dependency
# <pkg.abbr> see pkginfo(4), PKG parameter
# <name> see pkginfo(4), NAME parameter
# <version> see pkginfo(4), VERSION parameter
# <arch> see pkginfo(4), ARCH parameter
# <type> <pkg.abbr> <name>
# 	(<arch>)<version>
# 	(<arch>)<version>
# 	...
# <type> <pkg.abbr> <name>
# ...

P SUNWcsr	Core Solaris, (Root)
P SUNWxwplt	X Window System platform software
P SUNWpcu	SunSoft Print - Client, (usr)
P SUNWxcu4      XCU4 Utilities
P SUNWxwfnt     X Window System platform required fonts
P SUNWdtbas     CDE application basic runtime environment

# "GISWxprint" is the full version (incl. Xprt binary; "GISWxprintglue"
# uses Solaris's own /usr/openwin/bin/Xprt instead) of the package
# (which installs it's own /etc/init.d/xprint)
I GISWxprintglue	Xprint server glue
# "GISWxprintcommon" may be used in the future for /etc/init.d/xprint and co.
I GISWxprintcommon

# make sure we don't collide with the blastwave.org versions of these packages
I CSWxprint
I CSWxprintglue
I CSWxprintcommon
# EOF.

--- NEW FILE: pkginfo ---
# Copyright 2003-2004 Roland Mainz <roland.mainz at nrubsig.org>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#ident	"$Id: pkginfo,v 1.3 2004/02/13 04:43:47 gisburn Exp $"
# This required package information file describes characteristics of the
# package, such as package abbreviation, full package name, package version,
# and package architecture.
NAME="Xprint server (full version)"
DESC="Xprint server"
HOTLINE="Please contact your local service provider"
EMAIL="xprint at mozdev.org"
# EOF.

--- NEW FILE: postinstall ---
# Copyright 2003-2004 Roland Mainz <roland.mainz at nrubsig.org>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#ident	"$Id: postinstall,v 1.2 2004/02/13 04:43:47 gisburn Exp $"
# postinstall for GISWxprint package

cat <<'@EOF'
# To finish the installation please
#   a) reboot
#     or
#   b) start the Xprint servers manually using
#      % /etc/init.d/xprint start
#      % sleep 30
#      and restart your user CDE sessions (e.g. re-login.)
# Verification:
#   After login the env variable ${XPSERVERLIST} should be set and
#   % /opt/GISWxprint/bin/xplsprinters
#   should list all available printer queues.

# Print postinstall notice about the steps todo after installation

exit 0
# EOF.

--- NEW FILE: preinstall ---
# Copyright 2003-2004 Roland Mainz <roland.mainz at nrubsig.org>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
#ident	"$Id: preinstall,v 1.2 2004/02/13 04:43:47 gisburn Exp $"
# preinstall for GISWxprint package

# NO-OP for now

exit 0
# EOF.

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