[xorg-commit-diffs] xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/en_US/print/attributes Imakefile, NONE, document, NONE,

Roland Mainz xorg-commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Mon Apr 12 20:16:48 PDT 2004

Committed by: gisburn

Update of /cvs/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/en_US/print/attributes
In directory pdx:/tmp/cvs-serv9732/xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/en_US/print/attributes

Added Files:
      Tag: XPRINT
	Imakefile document 
Log Message:
Fix for http://xprint.freedesktop.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=462 - RFE: Merge xprint.mozdev.org Xprint enhancements into Xorg XPRINT branch

--- NEW FILE: Imakefile ---
XCOMM $Xorg: Imakefile,v 1.1 2002/11/23 05:42:52 gisburn Exp $

XPATTRIBUTEDIR = $(XPRINTDIR)/en_US/print/attributes

# Install the "en_US"-specific "document" attribute resources...

# ... and reuse "job" and "printer" pools from the C locale
	( \
	  for i in job printer \
	  ; do \
	    $(RM) $$i ; \
	    $(LN) ../../../C/print/attributes/$$i $$i ; \
	  done \

--- NEW FILE: document ---
# $Xorg: document,v 1.2 2002/11/30 22:10:03 gisburn Exp $
# Document DPA-Object initial attribute values for en_US(-like) locales
# Note that the defaults (for all locales) are set in
# ${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/document
# Values in ${XPCONFIGDIR}/${LANG}/print/attributes/document are used to
# set/override these defaults for a specific locale on demand

# US and some other countries use US-Letter as default paper size
# ("C"-locale default is "ISO-A4")
*default-medium: na-letter

# EOF.

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