[xorg-commit-diffs] xc/doc/specs/PEX5/PEX5.2/Proto README, 1.1,
NONE accumbuf.doc, 1.1, NONE book.doc, 1.1, NONE booktoc.doc,
1.1, NONE caveats.doc, 1.1, NONE conform.doc, 1.1,
NONE escapes.doc, 1.1, NONE fonts.doc, 1.1, NONE formats.doc,
1.1, NONE general.doc, 1.1, NONE intro.doc, 1.1, NONE luts.doc,
1.1, NONE namesets.doc, 1.1, NONE ocattrs.doc, 1.1,
NONE ocprims.doc, 1.1, NONE overview.doc, 1.1,
NONE picking.doc, 1.1, NONE pipecntx.doc, 1.1,
NONE renderer.doc, 1.1, NONE srchcntx.doc, 1.1,
NONE structs.doc, 1.1, NONE template.doc, 1.1, NONE texmap.doc,
1.1, NONE title.doc, 1.1, NONE wkspick.doc, 1.1,
NONE workstns.doc, 1.1, NONE
Egbert Eich
xorg-commit at pdx.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 15 03:13:41 PDT 2004
- Previous message: [xorg-commit-diffs] xc/doc/specs/PEX5/PEX5.2/PEXlib Accum.doc, 1.1,
NONE DataStruct.doc, 1.1, NONE EncodeDecode.doc, 1.1,
NONE EncodeSend.doc, 1.1, NONE Escape.doc, 1.1,
NONE Extens.doc, 1.1, NONE Fonts.doc, 1.1, NONE Intro.doc, 1.1,
NONE LUT.doc, 1.1, NONE NameSet.doc, 1.1, NONE OCAttrFunc.doc,
1.1, NONE OCBind.doc, 1.1, NONE OCC.doc, 1.1, NONE OCIntro.doc,
1.1, NONE OCMiscFunc.doc, 1.1, NONE OCPrimFunc.doc, 1.1,
NONE PC.doc, 1.1, NONE README, 1.1, NONE Renderer.doc, 1.1,
NONE RendererPick.doc, 1.1, NONE Search.doc, 1.1,
NONE Structure.doc, 1.1, NONE TM.doc, 1.1, NONE Utilities.doc,
1.1, NONE Workstation.doc, 1.1, NONE WorkstationPicking.doc,
1.1, NONE appendix.doc, 1.1, NONE copyright.doc, 1.1,
NONE cover.doc, 1.1, NONE credits.doc, 1.1, NONE pexlib.doc,
1.1, NONE pexlibTOC.doc, 1.1, NONE pexoverview.doc, 1.1, NONE
- Next message: [xorg-commit-diffs] xc/doc/specs/SIAddresses IPv6.txt, NONE, README, NONE, hostname.txt, NONE,
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Committed by: eich
Update of /cvs/xorg/xc/doc/specs/PEX5/PEX5.2/Proto
In directory pdx:/home/eich/tstbuild/xc/doc/specs/PEX5/PEX5.2/Proto
Removed Files:
README accumbuf.doc book.doc booktoc.doc caveats.doc
conform.doc escapes.doc fonts.doc formats.doc general.doc
intro.doc luts.doc namesets.doc ocattrs.doc ocprims.doc
overview.doc picking.doc pipecntx.doc renderer.doc
srchcntx.doc structs.doc template.doc texmap.doc title.doc
wkspick.doc workstns.doc
Log Message:
2004-04-15 Egbert Eich <eich at freedesktop.org>
Merged changes from RELEASE-1 branch
--- accumbuf.doc DELETED ---
--- book.doc DELETED ---
--- booktoc.doc DELETED ---
--- caveats.doc DELETED ---
--- conform.doc DELETED ---
--- escapes.doc DELETED ---
--- fonts.doc DELETED ---
--- formats.doc DELETED ---
--- general.doc DELETED ---
--- intro.doc DELETED ---
--- luts.doc DELETED ---
--- namesets.doc DELETED ---
--- ocattrs.doc DELETED ---
--- ocprims.doc DELETED ---
--- overview.doc DELETED ---
--- picking.doc DELETED ---
--- pipecntx.doc DELETED ---
--- renderer.doc DELETED ---
--- srchcntx.doc DELETED ---
--- structs.doc DELETED ---
--- template.doc DELETED ---
--- texmap.doc DELETED ---
--- title.doc DELETED ---
--- wkspick.doc DELETED ---
--- workstns.doc DELETED ---
- Previous message: [xorg-commit-diffs] xc/doc/specs/PEX5/PEX5.2/PEXlib Accum.doc, 1.1,
NONE DataStruct.doc, 1.1, NONE EncodeDecode.doc, 1.1,
NONE EncodeSend.doc, 1.1, NONE Escape.doc, 1.1,
NONE Extens.doc, 1.1, NONE Fonts.doc, 1.1, NONE Intro.doc, 1.1,
NONE LUT.doc, 1.1, NONE NameSet.doc, 1.1, NONE OCAttrFunc.doc,
1.1, NONE OCBind.doc, 1.1, NONE OCC.doc, 1.1, NONE OCIntro.doc,
1.1, NONE OCMiscFunc.doc, 1.1, NONE OCPrimFunc.doc, 1.1,
NONE PC.doc, 1.1, NONE README, 1.1, NONE Renderer.doc, 1.1,
NONE RendererPick.doc, 1.1, NONE Search.doc, 1.1,
NONE Structure.doc, 1.1, NONE TM.doc, 1.1, NONE Utilities.doc,
1.1, NONE Workstation.doc, 1.1, NONE WorkstationPicking.doc,
1.1, NONE appendix.doc, 1.1, NONE copyright.doc, 1.1,
NONE cover.doc, 1.1, NONE credits.doc, 1.1, NONE pexlib.doc,
1.1, NONE pexlibTOC.doc, 1.1, NONE pexoverview.doc, 1.1, NONE
- Next message: [xorg-commit-diffs] xc/doc/specs/SIAddresses IPv6.txt, NONE, README, NONE, hostname.txt, NONE,
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