[PATCH] libX11: allow inclusion of system level compose files

Marko Myllynen myllynen at redhat.com
Thu Oct 22 04:59:05 PDT 2009


> This fits in with some cleanup ideas with which I've been toying.
> For comparison, see what we did to simplify ru_RU.UTF-8/Compose;
> Compose.pre looks like:
> ru_RU.UTF-8/Compose.pre> include "X11_LOCALEDATADIR/en_US.UTF-8/Compose"
> and the string X11_LOCALEDATADIR gets replaced via the cpp(1) processing.

thanks for the tip, I was looking for this kind of mechanism but didn't
find it thus I wrote the patch :)

> Very similar to your proposal, but at compile time rather than at run time.

It would seem that in system level compose files this compile time
scheme would be better to eliminate additional run time lookup costs but
for user compose files the run time scheme would still be a helpful


Marko Myllynen

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