[PATCH] xrandr: display gamma and brightness

Mikhail Gusarov dottedmag at dottedmag.net
Tue Jan 12 16:36:03 PST 2010

Twas brillig at 01:17:36 13.01.2010 UTC+01 when E.A.B.Piel at tudelft.nl did gyre and gimble:

 ÉP> Hello, Here is complete version. I've refined the math behind, and
 ÉP> tried my best to have the code understandable. My conclusion: it's
 ÉP> amazing how complicated it can be to keep things simple!

 ÉP> It should work with mostly any value, excepted negative
 ÉP> brightnesses (which are not very common, and would make the code
 ÉP> much more complex).

Reviewed-by: Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag at dottedmag.net>

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