[PATCH 3/6] xkb: Add XKM file format description.

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Thu Jan 14 17:39:34 PST 2010

Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer at who-t.net>
 xkb/XKM_file_format.txt |  684 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 684 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 xkb/XKM_file_format.txt

diff --git a/xkb/XKM_file_format.txt b/xkb/XKM_file_format.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f7b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xkb/XKM_file_format.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+                        XKM File Format Description
+                                Version 15
+1. Introduction
+The XKM file format is the exchange format for XKB keyboard descriptions
+between the server and xkbcomp. Usually, the server forks off xkbcomp,
+xkbcomp compiles the XKM format from the given parameters.
+The resulting XKM file is put into a directory readable by the server and
+then parsed.
+The XKM format is little more than a binary dump of various XKB-specific
+structures and hence tied to the ABI of the server.
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+1.1 About this file format description
+This description was produced by analyzing the XKM parsing code. Parts fo
+the file description present in the original format specification may be
+missing. This description thus cannot be a reference document for XKM
+No description of the meaning of the various fields is given here. Refer to
+the XKB protocol specification for more details.
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+2. Notations used in this document
+Notation for structures:
+  Name of struct
+	name of field:		type or fixed value of field
+	name of field:		type or fixed value of field
+Data types are identicial to those used in the X Protocol specification
+except where noted otherwise. Structs specific to XKM are prefixed with XKM,
+defines specific to the XKB protocol specification are prefixed with Xkb and
+their value is equivalent to that in the protocol specification.
+Multiple instances of a given type are denoted in the following form:
+	name of field:		LISTofFIELDTYPE
+Length specifiers for such fields are usually prefixed with num_. For
+example, a struct containing a num_foo of 8 and a 'foo' field contains 8
+structures of type 'foo'.
+Variable length padding is specified as pad(x), where x is the length of the
+data to be padded out to a multiple of 4 bytes. For example, given an x of
+10, pad(x) would be the remaining 2 bytes to pad the whole struct to 12
+A special notation is a variable content struct. In this case, the contents
+of the struct depend on the value of one or more specific fields.
+  Name of struct
+	field:			type or fixed value of field
+	field:			type or fixed value of field
+	───
+	field ⇒ value 1
+	⇒
+		specific field:		type
+		specific field:		type
+	───
+        field ⇒ value 2
+	⇒
+		specific field:		type
+		specific field:		type
+This notation denotes that if field is of value 1, this struct contains the
+specific fields listed underneath value 1.
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3. XKM Format
+The XKM format is a binary format with structs usually being padded to a
+multiple of 4 bytes. No provisions for endianess are provided, the parser is
+left to guess the endianess of the XKM file.
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.1 Common data types
+  XKMCountedString
+	count:			CARD16
+	string:			count * CHAR
+	pad:			pad(count + 2)
+XKMCountedString is used for user-readable identifiers. Prime example are
+the level names and the section names ("complete", "evdev(inet)", etc.)
+  XKMGroupBits:		CARD8
+	group1			0x1
+	group2			0x2
+	group3			0x4
+	group4			0x8
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.1 Header and Table of Contents
+  XKMHeader
+	version:		CARD8
+	identifier1:		'm'
+	identifier2:		'k'
+	idenfifier3:		'x'
+The XKM file format has a 4 byte header identifying the file and the XKM
+version. The header is followed by the table of contents indicating the
+sections present in this file.
+  XKMFileInfo
+	type:			CARD8
+	min_keycode:		CARD8
+	max_keycode:		CARD8
+	num_sectioninfo:	CARD8
+	present:		CARD16
+	pad:			CARD16
+	sectioninfo:		LISTofXKMSectionInfo
+min_keycode and max_keycode specify the keycode range for this keyboard
+descriptions. The core protocol requires min_keycode always be equal to or
+greater than 8.
+  XKMSectionInfo
+	type:			CARD16
+		XkmTypesIndex		0
+		XkmCompatMapIndex	1
+		XkmSymbolsIndex		2
+		XkmIndicatorsIndex	3
+		XkmKeyNamesIndex	4
+		XkmGeometryIndex	5
+		XkmVirtualModsIndex	6
+	format:			CARD16
+	size:			CARD16
+	offset:			CARD16
+Describes the section found in a chunk of a file. This struct is found
+_twice_ in the file per section, once as part of the XKMFileInfo, once at
+the beginning of the actual section (see offset).
+The type specifies the type of the section, the section is to be parsed
+according to this type.
+Size and offset specify the size in bytes and the offset into the file in
+bytes, respectively.
+3.2. Sections
+Each section resides at the offset specified in the XKMFileInfo sectioninfo.
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.1 XKMTypes
+An XKMTypes section describes the key types defined in a layout. Roughly
+speaking, a key type defines how many levels a given key has and which
+modifiers change to a particular level.
+  XKMTypesSection
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	num_types:		CARD16
+	pad:			CARD16
+	types:			LISTofXKMKeyType
+  XKMKeyType
+	real_mods:		CARD8
+	num_levels:		CARD8
+	virt_mods:		CARD16
+	num_map_entries: 	CARD8
+	num_level_names: 	CARD8
+	perserve:	 	CARD8
+	pad:			CARD8
+	map_entries:		LISTofXKMKTMapEntry
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	mods:			LISTofXKMModsDesc
+	level_names:		LISXTofXKMCountedString
+The num_map_entries specifies the number of structs in both map_entries and mods. mods is only present if preserve is TRUE.
+  XKMKTMapEntry
+	level:			CARD8
+	real_mods:		CARD8
+	virt_mods:		CARD16
+  XKMModsDesc
+	real_mods:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD8
+	virt_mods:		CARD16
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.2 XKMCompatMap
+An XKMCompatMap section describes the actions a keyboard may trigger. This
+ranges from the TerminateServer action to simple modifier bits.
+  XKMCompatMap
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	num_si:			CARD16
+	group_mask:		XKMGroupBits
+	pad:			CARD8
+	si:			LISTofXKMSymInterpreterDesc
+	groups:			LISTofXKMModsDesc
+One XKMModsDesc is present for each bit set in group_mask.
+  XKMSymInterpretDesc
+	sym:			CARD32
+	mods:			CARD8
+	match:			CARD8
+	virtual_mod:		CARD8
+	flags:			CARD8
+	action_type:		CARD8
+	action_data:		XKMActionData
+Where the action is 7 bytes of CARD8 whose content is determined by
+  XKMActionData:
+	pad0:			CARD8
+	pad1:			CARD16
+	pad2:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_SetMods ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LatchMods ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LockMods
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		mask:			CARD8
+		real_mods:		CARD8
+		vmods1:			CARD8
+		vmods2:			CARD8
+		pad:			CARD16
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_SetGroup ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LatchGroup ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LockGroup
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		group_XXX:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_MovePtr
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		high_XXX:		CARD8
+		low_XXX:		CARD8
+		high_YYY:		CARD8
+		low_YYY:		CARD8
+		pad:			CARD16
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_PtrBtn ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LockPtrBtn
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		count:			CARD8
+		button:			CARD8
+		pad:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_DeviceBtn ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LockLockPtrBtn
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		count:			CARD8
+		button:			CARD8
+		device:			CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD16
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_SetPtrDflt
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		affect:			CARD8
+		valueXXX:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_ISOLock
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		mask:			CARD8
+		real_mods:		CARD8
+		group_XXX:		CARD8
+		affect:			CARD8
+		vmods1:			CARD8
+		vmods1:			CARD8
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_SwitchScreen
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		screenXXX:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_SetControls ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_LockControls
+	⇒
+		flags:			CARD8
+		ctrls3:			CARD8
+		ctrls2:			CARD8
+		ctrls1:			CARD8
+		ctrls0:			CARD8
+		pad:			CARD16
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_RedirectKey
+	⇒
+		new_key:		CARD8
+		mods_mask:		CARD8
+		mods:			CARD8
+		vmods_mask0:		CARD8
+		vmods_mask1:		CARD8
+		vmods0:			CARD8
+		vmods1:			CARD8
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_DeviceValuator
+	⇒
+		device:		CARD8
+		v1_what:		CARD8
+		v1_idx:			CARD8
+		v1_value:		CARD8
+		v2_what:		CARD8
+		v2_idx:			CARD8
+		v2_value:		CARD8
+		pad:			CARD8
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_XFree86Private ||
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_Terminate
+	⇒
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD16
+		pad2:			CARD32
+	───
+        action_type ⇒ XkbSA_ActionMessage
+	⇒
+		press_msg:		BOOL
+		release_msg:		BOOL
+		gen_event:		BOOL
+		message:		4 * CHAR
+Note: XkbSA_ActionMessage is currently unsupported and the contents are
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.3 XkmSymbols
+The symbols in a keymap define the actual keysyms each key may produce.
+  XKMSymbols
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	min_keycode:		CARD8
+	max_keycode:		CARD8
+	group_names_mask:	XKMGroupBits
+	num_vmod_maps:		CARD8
+	group_names:		LISTofXKMCountedString
+	keysyms:		XKMKeysymMapDesc
+	vmod_maps:		XKMVModMapDesc
+One group_name is present for each bit set in group_names_mask.
+The number of keysyms present is max_keycode - min_keycode + 1.
+  XKMKeysymMapDesc
+	width:			CARD8
+	num_groups:		CARD8
+	modifier_map:		CARD8
+	flags:			CARD8
+	names:			LISTofXKMCountedString
+	syms:			LISTofCARD32
+	behavior:		XKMBehaviorDesc
+Presence of names is conditional on the XkmKeyHasTypes flag. The number of
+strings is equal to the number of group bits in group_names_mask in the
+preceeding XKMSymbols section.
+The number of elements in sysms is equal to width * num_groups.
+Presence of behavior is conditional on the XkmKeyHasBehavior flag.
+  XKMKeyBehaviorDesc
+	type:			CARD8
+	data:			CARD8
+	pad:			CARD16
+  XKMVModMapDesc
+	key:			CARD8
+	pad:			CARD8
+	vmods:			CARD16
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.4 XKMIndicators
+  XKMIndicators
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	num_indicators:		CARD8
+	pad0:			CARD8
+	pad1:			CARD16
+	indicators:		LISTofXKMIndicatorMapDesc
+  XKMIndicatorMapDesc
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	indicator:		CARD8
+	flags:			CARD8
+	which_mods:		CARD8
+	real_mods:		CARD8
+	vmods:			CARD16
+	which_groups:		CARD8
+	groups:			CARD8
+	ctrls:			CARD32
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.5 XKMKeyNames
+  XKMKeyNames
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	min_keycode:		CARD8
+	max_keycode:		CARD8
+	num_aliases:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD8
+	keynames:		LISTofXKMKeyname
+	aliases:		LISTofXKMKeyAlias
+keynames contains max_keycode - min_keycode + 1 entries.
+  XkmKeyname
+	name:			4 * CHAR8
+  XkmKeyAlias
+	real:			XkmKeyname
+	alias:			XkmKeyname
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.5 XKMGeometry
+  XKMGeometry
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	width_mm:		CARD16
+	height_mm:		CARD16
+	base_color_ndx:		CARD8
+	label_color_ndx:	CARD8
+	num_properties:		CARD16
+	num_colors:		CARD16
+	num_shapes:		CARD16
+	num_sections:		CARD16
+	num_doodads:		CARD16
+	num_key_aliases:	CARD16
+	pad:			CARD16
+	label_font:		XKMCountedString
+	properties:		LISTofXKMGeomProperty
+	colors:			LISTofXKMCountedString
+	shapes:			LISTofXKMGeomShape
+	sections:		LISTofXKMGeomSection
+	doodads:		LISTofXKMGeomDoodad
+	key_aliases:		LISTofXKMKeyAlias
+  XKMGeomProperty
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	value:			XKMCountedString
+  XKMGeomShape
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	num_outlines:		CARD8
+	primary_idx:		CARD8
+	approx_idx:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD8
+	outlines:		LISTofXKMOutlineDesc
+  XKMOutlineDesc
+	num_points:		CARD8
+	corner_radius:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD16
+	points:			LISTofXKMPointDesc
+  XKMPointDesc
+	x:			INT16
+	y:			INT16
+  XKMGeomSection
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	top:			INT16
+	left:			INT16
+	width:			CARD16
+	height:			CARD16
+	angle:			INT16
+	priority:		CARD8
+	num_rows:		CARD8
+	num_doodads:		CARD8
+	num_overlays:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD16
+	rows:			LISTofXKMRowDesc
+	doodads:		LISTofXKMGeomDoodad
+	overlays:		LISTofXKMGeomOverlay
+  XKMRowDesc
+	top:			INT16
+	left:			INT16
+	num_keys:		CARD8
+	vertical:		BOOL
+	pad:			CARD16
+	keys:			XKMKeyDesc
+  XKMKeyDesc
+	name:			XKMKeyname
+	gap:			INT16
+	shape_idx:		CARD8
+	color_idx:		CARD8
+  XKMGeomDoodad
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	type:			CARD8
+	priority:		CARD8
+	top:			INT16
+	left:			INT16
+	pad1:			CARD16
+	pad2:			CARD32
+	pad3:			CARD32
+	───
+        type ⇒ XkbOutlineDoodad ||
+        type ⇒ XkbSolideDoodad
+	⇒
+		type:			CARD8
+		priority:		CARD8
+		top:			INT16
+		left:			INT16
+		angle:			INT16
+		color_idx:		CARD8
+		shape_idx:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD16
+		pad1:			CARD32
+	───
+        type ⇒ XkbTextDoodad
+	⇒
+		type:			CARD8
+		priority:		CARD8
+		top:			INT16
+		left:			INT16
+		angle:			INT16
+		width:			CARD16
+		height:			CARD16
+		color_idx:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD16
+		text:			XKMCountedString
+		font:			XKMCountedString
+	───
+        type ⇒ XkbIndicatorDoodad
+	⇒
+		type:			CARD8
+		priority:		CARD8
+		top:			INT16
+		left:			INT16
+		shape_idx:		CARD8
+		on_color_idx:		CARD8
+		off_color_idx:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD8
+		pad1:			CARD16
+		pad2:			CARD32
+	───
+        type ⇒ XkbLogoDoodad
+	⇒
+		type:			CARD8
+		priority:		CARD8
+		top:			INT16
+		left:			INT16
+		angle:			INT16
+		color_idx:		CARD8
+		shape_idx:		CARD8
+		pad0:			CARD16
+		pad1:			CARD32
+		logo_name:		XKMCountedString
+WARNING: XKMGeomDoodad has variable length depending on the type.
+NOTE: The current server implementation does not use all fields of all
+  XKMOverlayDesc
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	num_rows:		CARD8
+	pad0:			CARD8
+	pad1:			CARD16
+	rows:			LISTofXKMOverlayRowDesc
+  XKMOverlayRowDesc
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	row_under:		CARD8
+	num_keys:		CARD8
+	pad:			CARD16
+	keys:			LISTofXKMOverlayKeyDesc
+  XKMOverlayKeyDesc
+	over:			XKMKeyname
+	under:			XKMKeyname
+                              ❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧
+3.2.6 XKMVirtualMods
+  XKMOverlayRowDesc
+	section_info:		XKMSectionInfo
+	name:			XKMCountedString
+	bound_mask:		SETofVMODBITS
+	named_mask:		SETofVMODBITS
+	vmods:			LISTofCARD8
+	pad:			pad(vmods)
+	names:			LISTofXKMCountedString
+Number of elements in vmods is equal to the number of bits set in
+bound_mask. The padding completes vmods to a multiple of 4 byte units.
+Number of elements in names is equal to the number of bits set in

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