State of the 1.9 release

Tiago Vignatti tiago.vignatti at
Thu May 20 04:06:03 PDT 2010


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 08:42:50AM +0200, ext Keith Packard wrote:
>  * Reimplementation of devPrivates
>    The first of these two patches is huge and was done manually,
>    so there may well be errors. I'd love to see review, but failing
>    that, I'm very tempted to just get a few Tested-by: lines and push
>    expecting that we'll catch any latent bugs with the asserts() that
>    litter the new code.

I'll be very happy to put my Tested-by there, just let me know which version 
I should be looking.

Also, I really would like to have the MAXSCREENS removal for this release. And
this work is currently waiting devPrivates, but I guess I can rebase my tree 
easily it that arrives upstream.

> If anyone has patches they think should be on this list, let me know.

There's this multicard breakage that I'm seeing. Probably I'll have to take
this work more serious and investigate the real reason.

>  Bug 25874 - coredump on "X -showopts"
>      lame X option parsing. who would have guessed? Anyone want to go
>      fix it?

weird. It's working for me.
> As for the schedule, I'm going to be AFK from May 26-31. Do we want
> someone to be merging patches to master while I'm away? Or does someone
> else just want to push patches to their own tree and I'll merge when I
> get back?

I think we can live nicely without master updates for one week.



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