XI2 relative motion events documentation

Rendaw rendaw at zarbosoft.com
Wed Oct 20 13:13:08 PDT 2010

  On 10/19/2010 05:41 PM, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/inputproto/tree/XI2proto.txt#n1557
> "A RawEvent provides the information provided by the driver to the client.
> RawEvent provides both the raw data as supplied by the driver and
> transformed data as used in the server. Transformations include, but
> are not limited to, axis clipping and acceleration.  Transformed
> valuator data may be equivalent to raw data. In this case, both raw and
> transformed valuator data is provided.
> RawEvents are sent exclusively to all root windows or to the client that
> grabbed the device only."
Okay, thanks.  I sort of thought, since it was a RawEvent, it was some 
unaccelerated, intermediate form, but that helps a lot!  I might also 
have been dropping some RawEvents, which I think I've fixed now.  I 
ended up not looking at the spec when I started noticing inconsistencies 
between that and the implementation on my system, but I guess I should 
have persevered a bit longer.
> all valuator data is always in device coordinates, so as Daniel said you
> need XIQueryDevice to get the axis ranges and then scale appropriately
I'm not sure how axis ranges are useful.  Other than clipping, a maximum 
and minimum relative motion value doesn't make a lot of sense to me 
conceptually, but looking at the data might help.

One last question, semi-relevant.  Can I rely on the ordering of events 
to link the RawEvents to the MotionEvents?

Thanks again for all the help!

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