Annotations to protocol specifications

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at
Tue Aug 23 16:19:16 PDT 2011

As you may have noticed, we've been trying to spec out the multi-touch
protocol for quite a while now. This required a number of revisions, each
triggered by comments, examples, use-cases, etc. Now that we're nearing
something useful, the patch history is both messy (where merged) and
partially lost (where rebased). What I'm looking for is something to
annotate the protocol spec with information _why_ a particular decision was
made. The protocol only states the technical details but little of the
reasoning behind.

Ideas so far were a wiki page or git notes, the latter of which would be
really useful if it was, well, useful. Right now it feels a bit bolted on.
Third option is a completely separate file that's also kept in git that
explains the reasoning. Any other ideas?


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