1.13 schedule

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Tue Jun 5 07:54:25 PDT 2012

I realized yesterday that we hadn't ever discussed a release schedule
for the 1.13 X server.

The big blocker for this has been Dave Airlie's massive API/ABI rework
to try and clear the decks for hot-plug GPUs and other new stuff. That's
landing today, and so it seems like a good time to figure out the rest
of the schedule.

1.12 was released on the 4th of March; six months past that would be the
4th of September (2012-9-4). That seems like a reasonable target to me,
but does mean that our usual three month of release freeze would be
starting yesterday.

Given the amount of change seen in the last two freeze periods, I think
we can safely shorten them both and give ourselves another month to
clean up from the API changes just landing. Here's my suggestion:

        Merge window closes:                    2012-7-4
        Non-critical bug window closes:         2012-8-4
        1.13 release:                           2012-9-4

Comments and other schedule suggestions are welcome. In particular I
think we can shorten the merge window by a couple of weeks if that would
make people more comfortable. If there are schedule conflicts with other
major projects, we can take those into account as well.

keith.packard at intel.com
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