Fwd: x11perf move test performance

Michel Dänzer michel at daenzer.net
Thu Dec 25 17:46:32 PST 2014

On 26.12.2014 10:16, 李真能 wrote:
> 于 2014年12月25日 10:06, Michel Dänzer 写道:
>> On 24.12.2014 18:26, 李真能 wrote:
>>> So recently I tested the performance between Radeon Mobility FireGL
>>> 9000(RV250) and Radeon HD 5450 with x11perf, the test command is :
>>> x11perf -repeat 3 -subs 2000 -time 3 move -sync -v1.2
>>> enrironment:
>>> os: rhel 7 x64, no desktop environment, only using xorg+x11perf to test
>>> hardware:
>>> CPU: intel pentium dual-core e5800, 3.2GHZ
>>> memory size: 3G
>>> After started Xorg with M9000 or HD 5450, radeon driver is used and
>>> acceleration is enabled, accelmethod is exa, resolution is 1920x1080.
>>> test result are as follows(unit: /sec):
>>>      "Move window"        "Move unmapped window"      "Move window via parent"
>>> M9000 	11300 			79200 			1110000
>>> HD5450 	7430 			70700 			2810000
>>> M9000 is a more old card,HD 5450 is a newer product than M9000 about 10
>>> years.
>>> From the test result of "Move window", HD 5450 is lower than M9000, why?
>> One possible reason is that in contrast to the M9000, the HD5450 doesn't
>> have a dedicated 2D engine which can do overlapping blits. It has to
>> emulate those using two copies via a temporary pixmap.

BTW, you should be able to validate this theory by comparing the x11perf
-copypixwin500 and -copywinwin500 numbers. If the theory is right, they
should be roughly the same with the M9000, but the former numbers should
be roughly twice as high as the latter with the HD5450.

> How to detect a video card if it has a dedicated 2D engine, is it
> possible to  tune performance for this, can you give me any advice?

What level (user, X client, X server, ...) does your question apply to?

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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