Button 4 and 5 emulation these silly, button-less clickpads?

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Fri May 23 13:06:57 PDT 2014

Thanks to everyone who has helped to get button emulation working nicely
on the recent line of Lenovo laptops that have no hardware buttons on
the clickpads. This has made my machine so much easier to use.

I've recently started using an external Lenovo keyboard that has a
trackpoint and three hardware buttons. I've discovered that this
keyboard has a convenient feature where clicking-and-holding the middle
button while simultaneously pushing the trackpoint up or down causes
events to be emitted for buttons 4 and 5. This is  convenient for
scrolling, of course.

I'm not sure if the previous Lenovo laptops with the hardware buttons
had the same feature.

But now I find myself wishing I could do the same scrolling with my
button-less clickpad together with the trackpoint.

For those of you with more knowledge of the code, would it be crazy to
provide software support for this feature? I can imagine it might get a
bit tricky with the two different input devices that are involved.

I'd be quite pleased to see something like this developed.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts,


carl.d.worth at intel.com
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