[PATCH 5/7] mi: Remove miCopyPlane

Adam Jackson ajax at redhat.com
Wed Oct 8 05:17:17 PDT 2014

Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <ajax at redhat.com>
 mi/mi.h       |  12 ----
 mi/mibitblt.c | 225 ----------------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 237 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mi/mi.h b/mi/mi.h
index 884af9a..48bc272 100644
--- a/mi/mi.h
+++ b/mi/mi.h
@@ -80,18 +80,6 @@ extern _X_EXPORT void miPolyArc(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ ,
 /* mibitblt.c */
-extern _X_EXPORT RegionPtr miCopyPlane(DrawablePtr /*pSrcDrawable */ ,
-                                       DrawablePtr /*pDstDrawable */ ,
-                                       GCPtr /*pGC */ ,
-                                       int /*srcx */ ,
-                                       int /*srcy */ ,
-                                       int /*width */ ,
-                                       int /*height */ ,
-                                       int /*dstx */ ,
-                                       int /*dsty */ ,
-                                       unsigned long    /*bitPlane */
-    );
 extern _X_EXPORT void miGetImage(DrawablePtr /*pDraw */ ,
                                  int /*sx */ ,
                                  int /*sy */ ,
diff --git a/mi/mibitblt.c b/mi/mibitblt.c
index f6c5998..bbba14b 100644
--- a/mi/mibitblt.c
+++ b/mi/mibitblt.c
@@ -172,231 +172,6 @@ miGetPlane(DrawablePtr pDraw, int planeNum,     /* number of the bitPlane */
-/* MIOPQSTIPDRAWABLE -- use pbits as an opaque stipple for pDraw.
- * Drawing through the clip mask we SetSpans() the bits into a 
- * bitmap and stipple those bits onto the destination drawable by doing a
- * PolyFillRect over the whole drawable, 
- * then we invert the bitmap by copying it onto itself with an alu of
- * GXinvert, invert the foreground/background colors of the gc, and draw
- * the background bits.
- * Note how the clipped out bits of the bitmap are always the background
- * color so that the stipple never causes FillRect to draw them.
- */
-static void
-miOpqStipDrawable(DrawablePtr pDraw, GCPtr pGC, RegionPtr prgnSrc,
-                  MiBits * pbits, int srcx, int w, int h, int dstx, int dsty)
-    int oldfill, i;
-    unsigned long oldfg;
-    int *pwidth, *pwidthFirst;
-    ChangeGCVal gcv[6];
-    PixmapPtr pStipple, pPixmap;
-    DDXPointRec oldOrg;
-    GCPtr pGCT;
-    DDXPointPtr ppt, pptFirst;
-    xRectangle rect;
-    RegionPtr prgnSrcClip;
-    pPixmap = (*pDraw->pScreen->CreatePixmap)
-        (pDraw->pScreen, w + srcx, h, 1, CREATE_PIXMAP_USAGE_SCRATCH);
-    if (!pPixmap)
-        return;
-    /* Put the image into a 1 bit deep pixmap */
-    pGCT = GetScratchGC(1, pDraw->pScreen);
-    if (!pGCT) {
-        (*pDraw->pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* First set the whole pixmap to 0 */
-    gcv[0].val = 0;
-    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGCT, GCBackground, gcv);
-    ValidateGC((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, pGCT);
-    miClearDrawable((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, pGCT);
-    ppt = pptFirst = malloc(h * sizeof(DDXPointRec));
-    pwidth = pwidthFirst = malloc(h * sizeof(int));
-    if (!pptFirst || !pwidthFirst) {
-        free(pwidthFirst);
-        free(pptFirst);
-        FreeScratchGC(pGCT);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* we need a temporary region because ChangeClip must be assumed
-       to destroy what it's sent.  note that this means we don't
-       have to free prgnSrcClip ourselves.
-     */
-    prgnSrcClip = RegionCreate(NULL, 0);
-    RegionCopy(prgnSrcClip, prgnSrc);
-    RegionTranslate(prgnSrcClip, srcx, 0);
-    (*pGCT->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGCT, CT_REGION, prgnSrcClip, 0);
-    ValidateGC((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, pGCT);
-    /* Since we know pDraw is always a pixmap, we never need to think
-     * about translation here */
-    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
-        ppt->x = 0;
-        ppt++->y = i;
-        *pwidth++ = w + srcx;
-    }
-    (*pGCT->ops->SetSpans) ((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, pGCT, (char *) pbits,
-                            pptFirst, pwidthFirst, h, TRUE);
-    free(pwidthFirst);
-    free(pptFirst);
-    /* Save current values from the client GC */
-    oldfill = pGC->fillStyle;
-    pStipple = pGC->stipple;
-    if (pStipple)
-        pStipple->refcnt++;
-    oldOrg = pGC->patOrg;
-    /* Set a new stipple in the drawable */
-    gcv[0].val = FillStippled;
-    gcv[1].ptr = pPixmap;
-    gcv[2].val = dstx - srcx;
-    gcv[3].val = dsty;
-    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC,
-             GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin,
-             gcv);
-    ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
-    /* Fill the drawable with the stipple.  This will draw the
-     * foreground color whereever 1 bits are set, leaving everything
-     * with 0 bits untouched.  Note that the part outside the clip
-     * region is all 0s.  */
-    rect.x = dstx;
-    rect.y = dsty;
-    rect.width = w;
-    rect.height = h;
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (pDraw, pGC, 1, &rect);
-    /* Invert the tiling pixmap. This sets 0s for 1s and 1s for 0s, only
-     * within the clipping region, the part outside is still all 0s */
-    gcv[0].val = GXinvert;
-    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGCT, GCFunction, gcv);
-    ValidateGC((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, pGCT);
-    (*pGCT->ops->CopyArea) ((DrawablePtr) pPixmap, (DrawablePtr) pPixmap,
-                            pGCT, 0, 0, w + srcx, h, 0, 0);
-    /* Swap foreground and background colors on the GC for the drawable.
-     * Now when we fill the drawable, we will fill in the "Background"
-     * values */
-    oldfg = pGC->fgPixel;
-    gcv[0].val = pGC->bgPixel;
-    gcv[1].val = oldfg;
-    gcv[2].ptr = pPixmap;
-    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCStipple, gcv);
-    ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
-    /* PolyFillRect might have bashed the rectangle */
-    rect.x = dstx;
-    rect.y = dsty;
-    rect.width = w;
-    rect.height = h;
-    (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (pDraw, pGC, 1, &rect);
-    /* Now put things back */
-    if (pStipple)
-        pStipple->refcnt--;
-    gcv[0].val = oldfg;
-    gcv[1].val = pGC->fgPixel;
-    gcv[2].val = oldfill;
-    gcv[3].ptr = pStipple;
-    gcv[4].val = oldOrg.x;
-    gcv[5].val = oldOrg.y;
-    ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC,
-             GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFillStyle | GCStipple |
-             GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin, gcv);
-    ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
-    /* put what we hope is a smaller clip region back in the scratch gc */
-    (*pGCT->funcs->ChangeClip) (pGCT, CT_NONE, NULL, 0);
-    FreeScratchGC(pGCT);
-    (*pDraw->pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pPixmap);
-/* MICOPYPLANE -- public entry for the CopyPlane request.
- * strategy: 
- * First build up a bitmap out of the bits requested 
- * build a source clip
- * Use the bitmap we've built up as a Stipple for the destination 
- */
-miCopyPlane(DrawablePtr pSrcDrawable,
-            DrawablePtr pDstDrawable,
-            GCPtr pGC,
-            int srcx,
-            int srcy,
-            int width, int height, int dstx, int dsty, unsigned long bitPlane)
-    MiBits *ptile;
-    BoxRec box;
-    RegionPtr prgnSrc, prgnExposed;
-    /* incorporate the source clip */
-    box.x1 = srcx + pSrcDrawable->x;
-    box.y1 = srcy + pSrcDrawable->y;
-    box.x2 = box.x1 + width;
-    box.y2 = box.y1 + height;
-    /* clip to visible drawable */
-    if (box.x1 < pSrcDrawable->x)
-        box.x1 = pSrcDrawable->x;
-    if (box.y1 < pSrcDrawable->y)
-        box.y1 = pSrcDrawable->y;
-    if (box.x2 > pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width)
-        box.x2 = pSrcDrawable->x + (int) pSrcDrawable->width;
-    if (box.y2 > pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height)
-        box.y2 = pSrcDrawable->y + (int) pSrcDrawable->height;
-    if (box.x1 > box.x2)
-        box.x2 = box.x1;
-    if (box.y1 > box.y2)
-        box.y2 = box.y1;
-    prgnSrc = RegionCreate(&box, 1);
-    if (pSrcDrawable->type != DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) {
-        /* clip to visible drawable */
-        if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors) {
-            RegionPtr clipList = NotClippedByChildren((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable);
-            RegionIntersect(prgnSrc, prgnSrc, clipList);
-            RegionDestroy(clipList);
-        }
-        else
-            RegionIntersect(prgnSrc, prgnSrc,
-                            &((WindowPtr) pSrcDrawable)->clipList);
-    }
-    box = *RegionExtents(prgnSrc);
-    RegionTranslate(prgnSrc, -box.x1, -box.y1);
-    if ((box.x2 > box.x1) && (box.y2 > box.y1)) {
-        /* minimize the size of the data extracted */
-        /* note that we convert the plane mask bitPlane into a plane number */
-        box.x1 -= pSrcDrawable->x;
-        box.x2 -= pSrcDrawable->x;
-        box.y1 -= pSrcDrawable->y;
-        box.y2 -= pSrcDrawable->y;
-        ptile = miGetPlane(pSrcDrawable, ffs(bitPlane) - 1,
-                           box.x1, box.y1,
-                           box.x2 - box.x1, box.y2 - box.y1, (MiBits *) NULL);
-        if (ptile) {
-            miOpqStipDrawable(pDstDrawable, pGC, prgnSrc, ptile, 0,
-                              box.x2 - box.x1, box.y2 - box.y1,
-                              dstx + box.x1 - srcx, dsty + box.y1 - srcy);
-            free(ptile);
-        }
-    }
-    prgnExposed = miHandleExposures(pSrcDrawable, pDstDrawable, pGC, srcx, srcy,
-                                    width, height, dstx, dsty, bitPlane);
-    RegionDestroy(prgnSrc);
-    return prgnExposed;
 /* MIGETIMAGE -- public entry for the GetImage Request
  * We're getting the image into a memory buffer. While we have to use GetSpans
  * to read a line from the device (since we don't know what that looks like),

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