[PATCH xserver] glamor: Paint first and last pixel of lines

Keith Packard keithp at keithp.com
Mon Feb 13 22:54:24 UTC 2017

Eric Anholt <eric at anholt.net> writes:

> Yeah, I basically think that using GL lines ever is a mistake.  They're
> simple, fast, and wrong.  You wish the hardware did the thing you think
> is sensible, but it doesn't.

X doesn't put any hard requirements on 0-width lines though; why do we
think we can't use whatever GL does for this?

> I think one of our rendering requirements is that GXcopy and then
> GXinvert of that line erases it, which means we can't even do this just
> for GXcopy.

Yeah, we do need to use the same code for all rasterops (and dashing).

> Alternative: Could we draw a short line into a little pixmap at startup,
> and decide if the hardware renders things well enough that our current
> line code is usable?


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