RFC: new namespae based security extension

Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult info at metux.net
Wed Mar 12 12:36:46 UTC 2025

On 11.03.25 19:46, Alan Coopersmith wrote:


> This sounds partially similar to the Trusted Solaris extension, which in
> Solaris 10 and later relied on Solaris zones for the client isolation for
> each "label", and returned fake success messages to reduce the breakage on
> client applications (which I believe dates back to the original
> "Less Insecure X" paper/prototype).

a little bit similar. But XNS is more flexible, not tied to particular
user or zone/container management scheme, and of course network

Right now (within this PoC), the client->namespace association is based
on auth token. Should IMHO be enough for surrounding infrastructure
doing the provisioning depending on actual use case (a mobile device
might have very different requirements than an industrial control

> I believe Glenn Faden (the architect of Trusted Solaris) published some
> papers on the design & implementation as well.

thanks for the hint.


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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info at metux.net -- +49-151-27565287

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