HDMI audio on HD 2600 not working

Xavier Bestel xavier.bestel at free.fr
Sun Jan 9 07:30:30 PST 2011

Le dimanche 09 janvier 2011 à 10:06 +0100, Xavier Bestel a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've just bought an (used) HDMI audio amp (Yamaha RX-V1600) and tried to
> connect it to my HTPC (pc running XBMC, debian/squeeze using
> xserver-xorg-video-radeon 1:6.13.1-2+squeeze1 + kernel 2.6.37-rc7-amd64,
> with a Radeon RH 2600), via a DVI-to-HDMI cable. There are 2 cables
> running from the card, one to the amp, an other one to a monitor.

So now it sort-of works, but I have to boot with the monitor
disconnected, then plug it afterwards. I have some "stereo mode not
supported" messages in the log, but I can hear some sound.
So first question: why is that, and how to make sound go to the right
connector ? I tried switching the connectors, but same result. I don't
switch off that machine very often, but having to unplug/replug isn't
that practical.

Then, I have a little problem: there's only a 2-channels mode supported.
When using speaker-test from ALSA package, all other configuration
result in:
[root at awak:~]$ LANG=C speaker-test -D hw:1,3 -c 5

speaker-test 1.0.23

Playback device is hw:1,3
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 5 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Channels count (5) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument
Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument

Passthrough-mode with DTS or Dolby works, but as it causes its share of
troubles I'd prefer for n-channels (with n!=2) to work.
Does someone know how do to that ?


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