6.9 build log including Xprt?

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Sat Sep 10 08:25:28 PDT 2005

I'm trying to help with the modularisation of Xprt.

I've got a degree of success, building an Xprt binary, except when I run
it, it seems to be behaving like a video servers (says "Fatal server
error: no screens found" and exits).

I presume I've got the wrong mix of -D defines.

Would anyone happen to have successfully build Xprt from the 6.9
monolithic source, that I could check and compare build conditions.

I'm assuming the 6.9 build is sufficiently diverged from the
xprint.mozdev.org setup that I've used up till now that I'm better off
comparing my modularisation efforts directly against 6.9 rather than
trying to match the build environment from the older code.


p.s. do you want the Makefile.am etc. now that I've prepared for
xserver/xorg/Xprint, or would you prefer to wait until the whole set is
finished successfully?

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