CVS lock ?

Vladimir Dergachev volodya at
Thu Dec 16 21:57:38 PST 2004

> Btw, r300_demo is not a glx app so it can run simultaneously with X, 
> especially on SMP machines - which is why I decided not to explore how to do 
> this in X.

After some thought, r300_demo is probably not that important for such a 
permanent change, so I'll copy that code to RADEONEnterServer() (thanks 
again :)) and isolate the old one with an option for those who need it.


                          Vladimir Dergachev

> Once R300 Mesa 3d driver is closer to usable state this should no longer be 
> necessary - instead the DRM driver would do cache flushes as appropriate.
> Lastly, please feel free to correct this code - and clarify any register 
> names if you feel like it :)
>                     best
>                        Vladimir Dergachev
>> -- 
>> Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
>> Libre software enthusiast    |

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