[Xorg] Fail to run fd.o Xserver

jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw
Tue Jul 20 00:20:54 PDT 2004

Hello all,

  Recently, I cvs update fd.o xserver and rebuilt, but I got into
trouble with the following messages:

$ /tmp2/bin/Xfake :1

Fatal server error:
Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't
already running

  I followed the instructions of XserverInstallGuide[1], and configured
with the options:

$ cat ../xlibs-src/conf-X11 
sh configure \
  --prefix=/tmp2 \
  --disable-unix-transport \
  --disable-tcp-transport \
  --disable-ipv6 \
  --enable-xthreads \
  --disable-xcms \
  --enable-xlocale \
  --enable-xkb \

$ cat conf-xserver 
sh configure \
  --prefix=/tmp2 \
  --with-fontpath=/tmp2/share/fonts \
  --enable-composite \
  --disable-werror \
  --enable-xinput --enable-xkb \
  --enable-dri \
  --disable-unix-transport \
  --disable-tcp-transport \
  --disable-ipv6 \
  --enable-screensaver \
  --disable-xdmcp \
  --disable-xdm-auth-1 \

Also, I can't build xserver with --enable-xkb without

However, I did get fd.o xserver working last month, and the above
sequence was here since cvs update. Could anyone give me a hint?

Jim Huang

[1] http://xserver.freedesktop.org/Software/XserverInstallGuide

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