Change list from 6.8 to HEAD, and 7.0 plans

Chris Lee clee at
Wed Apr 6 14:57:00 PDT 2005

Adam Jackson wrote:
> On Monday 04 April 2005 18:58, Daniel Stone wrote:
>>On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 06:28:06PM -0400, Adam Jackson wrote:
>>>This brings up the question of release date.  Anyone have strong feelings
>>>about this?  We've already missed the six month mark from 6.8.0 given the
>>>massive 6.8.2 effort.  I would suggest August at the latest, and
>>>preferably July.
>>I don't think July is realistic, given it's now April and we're still
>>sitting here, with a whole bunch of work to do, talking about when to
>>try to release.
> Fair enough.  Here's a strawman, targetted at August 19, which is just over 19 
> weeks out:
> June 10:   Code slush.  Any big changes should start stabilizing.
> June 24:   Feature freeze.  Patches should be bugfix only and preferably
>            through subsystem maintainers where they exist.  Begin writing
>            release notes and doc updates.
> July 8:    RC1.  Code freeze for all but approved patches, fairly open
>            approval stance.
> July 22:   RC2.  Patch approval for crashes, correctness, regressions, build
>            fixes only.  Docs should be basically done.
> August 5:  RC3.  Approval for showstoppers only.
> August 19: 6.9 / 7.0.  6.9 enters immediate maintenance mode, HEAD in xc/ is
>            for 6.9.x releases only.  7.0 modules open for new development.
> That's two weeks for each cycle, which I think is reasonable.  It also allows 
> about two weeks of slip before we hit September, and 10-12 weeks of open 
> commits before we start serious release mode.
> The modular tree's time frame is somewhat dependent on the exact schedule we 
> aim for, but I would like to see it at about 90% completion by the code slush 
> point for all the major platforms, where "major" is: Linux, Solaris, at least 
> one BSD, OSX, and Win32.  (Other platforms are welcome and encouraged to 
> shoot for completion by that date too, of course.)
> The development plan for modular is basically the bootstrap order: protocol 
> headers, libs, server, apps.  I would expect these to proceed in rough order 
> for each platform, but that different platforms could be at different stages 
> in the process.  Given that, and the above timeline, I would say the 
> following would be worst-case dates for finishing each step:  (note that 
> platform-specific fixes can go in during the release cycle)
> May 13:  headers
> May 27:  libs
> June 10: server
> June 24: apps
> That's just over five weeks to have all the headers filled in, which sounds 
> quick.  Balancing this is that it's a fairly mechanical process, we have 
> quite a few hands to do it, and that we have a lot of this already done in 
> the existing proof-of-concept.  I'm up for the challenge, I'm just waiting 
> for the arch group to give me the green light ;).
> Unfortunately since the modular trees will host new development going forward, 
> there's really no way to make a development branch early, where I'd like to 
> do it at about the RC1 mark.  I'm willing to pay that price for what it buys 
> us.
> It sounds rapid, but it's also almost five months.  If we can't go from open 
> tree to released in five months we're doing something wrong.

I'd have to agree with that.

This schedule looks good to me. I can help with modularization.

Chris Lee

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