Xgl/Xegl future?

Christian Parpart trapni at gentoo.org
Sat Aug 20 02:21:51 PDT 2005

On Friday 19 August 2005 12:36, Matthias Hopf wrote:
> On Aug 19, 05 11:55:25 +0200, Christian Parpart wrote:
> > well, within X11, as an end-user, I'd like to know what exactly the
> > future of Xgl/Xegl is?
> >
> > After having read the "Stopping work on EGL and Xgl" by Jon Smirl on
> > exactly my birthday's day, I must say I am really confused.
> David is still busy working on Xgl. Jon was mostly contributing a large
> part to Xegl, the stand-alone version of Xgl.
> I'm sad he left, but development will continue. There are still so many
> rough edges and unfinished buisness in Xgl itself, that work naturally
> concentrates on this stuff.
> > However, are there others that are contributing to it? Is there even
> > *any* future of getting OpenGL-backed X11 some day?
> I assume so :)
> I wouldn't work on it otherwise.

I feel really happy to read this, though, I'd love to contribute *SOMEHOW* but 
my own timetable is exceeding. That's not the problem, but I'm foolish new to 
X11 (not OpenGL) server hacking. I keep on reading this list and wait for 
uptades then :-D

Thanks for keeping busy with it, David.

> There is one more thing going on that *really* makes me nervous:
> M$ trying to push out OpenGL from Windows:
> http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/cgi_directory/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=ge

Yeah, I read about on /.
This didn't made me nervous, seriousely, instead I got really mad about MS at 
this point. But it's their OS, though, not my business (as I'm even not a 
user there).

Christian Parpart.

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